Services to grow your products
Fast Apps
App PrototypE
EUR 5000, 1 week
It will look and feel like a real app but at a fraction of the cost and time.
Building a prototype is essential to validate the idea with real users and to enable fast design iterations.
The prototype will be developed in close collaboration with you. The final prototype will undergo user testing to gather feedback for the production app.
Planning workshoP
EUR 1500, 1 day
Developing a roadmap for the app prototyping and production cycles.
Together we will deep dive into your idea and concepts and identify the key assumptions and success metrics.
We will discuss feasibility, timeline and the next key action points to start work on your idea.
App Feature Sprint
EUR 6000, 1 week
Have an existing app and ideas for new features or improvements?
We will help you identify the most critical features and deliver them in a short week.
Production App
EUR 20000, 3 weeks
Have been through the prototyping phase and are looking to build the real thing?
We will work with you to identify the minimum features necessary for a viable production app.
The goal is to minimize the time to launch to get real customer feedback as soon as possible.