We have standard components for user signup via email, phone number or third-parties like Facebook, Twitter or Google.
The look and feel can be fully customized but you save precious time building backend integrations and ensuring the components are secure.
Payment in your App
We have implemented a range of payment options both for web and mobile apps.
Our components for Stripe, Paypal and WorldPay get you ready to accept payments from customers in reduced time. If your requirements allow for mobile in-app purchase on iOS and Android we can help you benefit from increased conversion rates.
Mobile forms that convert
Remarkable maps for your app
We help you create a remarkable map experience for your apps on web and mobile.
From data overlays to easy to grasp directions to animated camera movements we can deliver.
If you are looking to build an app in real estate, travel and tourism, geo-based research or navigation, maps will be at the center of the user experience.
End-to-end encryption for your app
Internationalization of your app
You have traction in your home market and plan to go global?
We helped products succeed at the complex task of internationalizing their apps.
You will not only have to localize any existing assets and user facing components but also have to put a continuous process in place. Every future change to the app has to go through translation and review processes.